High-Speed Single Needle Straight Lockstitch Industrial Sewing Machine Comes With Table, Legs, Servo Motor and LED Lamp
Are you looking for an industrial sewing machinethat can handle larger projects like quilts? Or, are you looking for a new sewing machine for your business?
Professional shops, design schools, and home sewers interested in a sewing machine that handles straight lockstitching for as much as a half-inch of fabric will appreciate the JUKI DDL-8700. Solidly built, this machine works quickly with consistent stitching, making the items you make look professional and well-made.
Despite being a high-powered industrial machine, the servo motor significantly reduces noise. With smooth, fast, and quiet stitching, you can easily sew for extended periods and complete large projects.
Want to slow down that high-speed stitch? Adjust the servo motor for a slower speed whenever needed.
Moreover, this high-shank machine is compatible with a wide range of pressure feet, allowing you to expand its functionality effortlessly. By changing the presser foot, you can easily add features like ruffling, gathering, bias, elastic, and zipper installation. With over 200 presser feet available, many of which are high-shank (and high-shank adapters for snap-on feet), the possibilities are endless.
Once you are familiar with the Juki 8700, you'll understand why thousands of buyers swear by their machines.
The JUKI DDL-8700 is high-speed single needles lockstitch machine. It’s for industrial use and produces great stitches. The machine head is durable and consistent. Whether you’re working with lightweight or medium-weight fabrics, this machine can handle them all. That’s why it’s a customer favorite for industrial sewing – efficiency and reliability make it the top choice in the sewing community.
Read the technical specs for uninterrupted sewing. This lockstitch machine runs up to 5500 RPM fast and efficiently. Servo motor for speed control and noise reduction. Weighs 61 lbs. Machine oil is required. 320VA voltage.
Juki DDL-8700 Maintenance
To keep your Juki in good condition and running smoothly. Clean the machine in the bobbin area and needle regularly to prevent build-up that can cause mechanical problems like:
Oil the machine with Juki Defrix Oil No. 1. Regularly check and adjust the thread tension to maintain stitch quality. Here are some maintenance tips:
High-speed machines increase industrial efficiency and productivity by:
This is a great tool for commercial sewing.
Assembling the JUKI DDL-8700 is easy following the manual's step-by-step guide. Unbox all parts and lay them out in order. Attach the machine head to the table using the screws and tools provided. Make sure all screws are tight to avoid any problems.
To keep your JUKI DDL-8700 running long-term, proper installation is key. Mount the machine on a table designed for the Servo Motor sewing machine. Place the machine stand and head in position. Use the provided screws to fasten the machine to the table. This will keep the machine stable during operation so you can sew accurately and efficiently.
By following these steps and maintaining them regularly, your sewing machine will perform and last long in any industrial sewing environment. For more support or questions, contact Goldstar Tool today.
Always turn off the machine before threading or doing anything that could cause injury, such as threading, oiling, changing a needle, or installing a bobbin for sewing.
The 8700 has a finger guard on the shaft to prevent injury and needle breakage. If you’re having trouble threading the machine, we suggest getting a pair of long tweezers to help.
Keep your hands, hair, and anything else that could become caught away from the machine's bobbin hook, needle area, and other moving parts.
Continuously operate the 8700 with a whole pan of oil. Check your machine’s oil pan regularly before and after use to ensure smooth operation and prevent damage.
And, of course, read the accompanying instruction manual, safety manual, and setup sheet with your machine.
90 Days labor on defects in materials and workmanship.
** Head Only option does not include the table, legs, Servo Motor, and LED Lamp. No assembly or residential charges necessary.
Feed Dog 1: Light-Weight, Medium-Weight, Heavy-Weight
Feed Dog Screw: #10601
Needle Plate/Feed Dog Combo: Needle Plate/Feed Dog Combo
Needle Plate Screw: 11/64-40 L=8.5MM​ - #SS-2110920-TP​
Needle Bar: #229-06002​
Needle Bar Set Screw: #SS-7080510-TP​
Needle Bar Thread Guide: #229-0630
Needle Bar Thread Guide Screw: #SS-7080510-TP​
Presser Foot Screw: #SS-7091110-TP
Presser Foot Assembly: B1524-012-0A0
Thread Tension Assembly: #229-62054
Starter Kit For Industrial Sewing Machines
Deluxe Kit For Industrial Sewing Machines
5 Pack Industrial High Shank Presser Feet
Glide-On Industrial High Shank Presser Feet (5 Pack)
Magnetic ​Sewing Machine Gauge Guide
Quilters Swing Sewing Guide
Swing Gauge #5812
T Gauge (2-1/2")
Adjustable Seam Guide
Sewing Machine 3 Corner Gauge #25873
Swing Away Roller Guide Short Arm
Invisible Zipper Presser Foot #S518
Split Hinged Zipper Presser Foot #40322SH
Narrow Right Hinged Cording Foot #12435HN
Narrow Left Hinged Cording Foot #31358HN
Wide Left Hinged Cording/Zipper Foot #31358HWL-P36L
Wide Right Hinged Cording/Zipper Foot #12435HWR-P36
High Shank Double Welting/Piping Foot #36069DG
Metal Piping Foot (Right Or Left) #36069L, 36069R
Welting/Piping/Cording Presser Foot #767415000
Left Compensating Presser Foot
Right Compensating Presser Foot
Compensating Binder Presser Foot
Compensating Foot 211-14
Shirring/Gathering Foot #120828
Shirring/Gathering With Adjustable Blocks #S950
Shirring/Gathering Screw Adjusting Presser Foot #S952
Shirring/Gathering Tape Guide Elastic Adjustable Presser Foot #S537
Hinged Right Guide Foot
High Shank Buttonhole #CY-703H
Ball Hemmer Foot (Double Fold) #490358
Spring Hemmer Foot #490359
Hemming Presser Foot and Folder Set #F502
Hinged Center Tube Presser Foot #S10C
Small Roller Foot With Needle Plate & Feed Dogs
Large Roller Foot With Needle Plate & Feed Dogs
SPK Roller Foot #SPK3
Bias Tape Binding Presser Foot #6288
Hinged Straight Stitch Presser Foot #P351
Hinged Straight Stitching Foot #24983
Hinged Narrow Presser Foot #142058N
Heavyweight Straight Stitch Presser Foot - Brother #SA173
Straight Stitch Presser Foot With Finger Guard #351
Glide-On Invisible Zipper Presser Foot #S518NST
Glide-On Standard Extended Tail Hinged Presser Foot #MT-18
Glide-On Welting/Piping/Cording Presser Foot #36069T
Non-Stick Glide-On Presser Foot #T-350
Universal Glide-On Hinged Narrow Zipper Presser Foot #T-363
Universal Glide-On Left Narrow Zipper Presser Foot #T36LN
Universal Glide-On Right Narrow Zipper Presser Foot #T36N
Quilters Swing Sewing Guide For Industrial Sewing Machines
1/4" High Shank Clear Ruler Foot For Free Motion Quilting
1/4" High Shank Metal Ruler Foot For Free Motion Quilting
Metal Quilting Glide Foot and Needle Plate​ #GS1Kit
Quilter Foot with Guides - Singer #S521
Raw Edge Binder Set #S64​
Raw Edge Plain Tape Binder Binding Attachment #100LS
Right Angle Binder Set #S60
Double Fold Binder / Binding Attachment Folder #508L
Top Mount Collarette Binder Top Clean
Single Fold Up Turn Hemmer #S75U
Shirt Tail Hemmer Set #S70
Buttonholer Attachment #YS-4455
Deluxe Ruffler Attachment for Industrial Sewing Machines #G900E
The needles with your JUKI are the Organ DBx1, available on our website. This machine uses size 16×257, size 8 through 20 or 16×97. The 8700 can also use standard needles, sizes 9 through 21, universal or fabric-specific needles such as knit.
A pan directly underneath the machine supplies oil to the machine with a cotton wick. Lift the machine up and over to access the oil tank while on the table. You must keep the machine’s oil level consistently at the «high» mark, either by adding more oil or draining it and refilling it as needed. If the oil pump can’t get the oil into the machine, it can cause serious problems later.
You need a specific type, like motor oil in your car, to keep this machine running. The DDL-8700 requires JUKI New Defrix Oil No.1, equivalent to ISO VG7.
Our table has legs and is 22"w x 47"l. It includes a knee and foot pedals and a left-hand drawer for accessories.
No. The 8700 only does straight stitching, with a horizontal bar on the right side for a reverse stitch.
Because of the Servo motor speed control, most users find the machine more straightforward to use. Both beginning and seasoned sewers find this feature helpful when stitching projects that don't demand high-speed stitching.