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Coverstitch & Overlock Loopers Pegasus

At GoldStar Tool, you’ll find high-quality sewing machine and parts at incredible prices. Our selection features products only from reliable brands such as Juki, Brother, NewLong, Merrow, Reese, Pegasus, Union Special, Yamato, and more. Our objective is to be providers of all kinds of sewing equipment you will need.

You can depend on your orders being delivered in a timely fashion. Moreover, our quality experts ensure you receive loopers with:

  • Accurate dimensions
  • High durability
  • Excellent finish
Chain Looper - Pegasus #204314A
Our Price: $14.99  
Coverstitch Looper - Pegasus #257553
Our Price: $5.00  
E2 Upper Looper (#24) - Pegasus #210365
Our Price: $19.99  
Looper - Pegasus ​#257550
Our Price: $19.99   Market Price: $80.00
Save: $60.01 per unit
Looper - Pegasus​ #257566
Our Price: $19.99  
Lower Looper - Pegasus #277016
Our Price: $14.99  
Lower Looper - Pegasus​ #204072
Our Price: $29.99  
Lower Looper - ​Pegasus #210356
Our Price: $19.99  
Lower Looper Drive (Connection Rod) - Pegasus ​#210091
Our Price: $69.99  
Lower Looper Holder Assy - Pegasus #272001-92
Our Price: $59.99  
Pegasus - L52 Upper Looper (#2)​ #204062​
Our Price: $19.99  
Pegasus - Looper #210357​​
Our Price: $19.99  
Upper Looper EX-5205 - Pegasus ​​#277010
Our Price: $19.99  
Upper Looper Holder Assy -Pegasus #271518B91Y
Our Price: $202.99  
Upper Looper Holder Complete - Pegasus #5E0012091Y19
Our Price: $217.99  
Upper Spreader - Pegasus #277014
Our Price: $29.99  
Upper Spreader - Pegasus #​257552​
Our Price: $22.25  

What are Loopers?

Located within the machine and under the needle, loopers act like knitting needles. Their function is to overcast over the needle threads.

Upper vs. Lower Loppers

Before you purchase Loopers at GoldStar Tool, it is better to know about their function. An overlocked seam keeps the fabric from unraveling. On such a seam, the left needle of your sewing machine will lay down the first row of stitches. The right needle follows up with another row.

An upper looper places stitches on the top of the fabric or on the right side. The lower looper, on the other hand, secures that stitch. In that way, both loopers work together to lock in the stitches after the blades trim the fabric.

The upper and lower loopers can form various stitch formations, such as:

  • Rolled hems
  • Picot edge
  • Flatlock
  • Braid edge

You can also work on most kinds of fabrics. Therefore, Loopers offer you a chance of expressing your creativity with professional-looking results.

Overlocker or Serger?

Chances are you have seen the terms, overlocker and serger, and you may have wondered what the difference is. The truth is, there is no difference. In most parts of the sewing world, except for the US, an overlocker is a machine that trims and binds seams to keep them from separating. Americans use the term, serger, instead of overlocker for the same machine. This is why you may see these two terms being used. In either case, the machine’s actions are less akin to sewing than knitting.

With an overlocker, you can give the garments you sew a professional finish. Sergers are usually applied to the insides of garments. However, seam embellishes and hems finished with rolled hemming, are two examples of overlocking on the garment’s outside.

Your average serger is quite different from a sewing machine. It is fitted with two loopers and requires threading of 3-4 pathways. The former takes care of the knitting that will form the overlocking stitch. You cannot substitute a serger with a sewing machine. However, you can buy the best quality serger at GoldStar Tool.

Don’t know what your equipment needs or not finding what you are looking for? Give GoldStar Tool a call 1.800.868.4419 or reach out to us on our website to discuss all your looper needs!