Though sewing machines are extremely useful, they can be temperamental devices that seem to be prone to all manner of issues. Here are some of the most common issues that sewing machine users face and a few remedies to try.
Having a few stitches in mind to work on will help give your practice session a bit more focus. Learn more here.
As you’re learning how to sew, there are a few common sewing machine mistakes that you should look out for and avoid before they occur.
Adding interfacing may seem like extra work, but it’s super important to many different types of garments. If you’ve ever enjoyed an article of clothing that was durable, supportive, and attractive, you can probably thank the well-done interfacing!
Being able to sew is one of those life skills that everyone should learn. But it’s less like “riding a bike” and more like “learning an instrument.” Once you learn to ride a bike, you can pretty much do it forever. But with sewing, if you want mastery, you must practice improving your skills.
Learning how to stitch thread in a sewing project can be difficult, but if you have a sewing machine at your disposal, you’re already a step ahead. Though sewing by hand can become second nature with some practice, you can tackle much more advanced projects with a lower barrier to entry with a sewing machine.
The type and quality of your thread is one of the most important parts of a successful sewing machine project. The more complex the project (i.e., the more varied types of fabric used or the more complex stitching required), the more the type of thread matters in creating a finished product that you can take pride in.
Over the generations, sewing machines have modernized significantly in many ways, and one of these ways is the ability of modern machines to automatically adjust the thread tension. Learn more here.
There are many different types of sewing machine issues that crafters can experience, so let’s take a look at a few of the most common issues and what might be causing them.
The debate between computerized and mechanical sewing machines has been a hot-button issue among professional and amateur crafters ever since computerized models came on the market.
An overlock machine, also known as a serger, is a style of sewing machine that is designed to streamline the stitching process. Learn more here.
Are you having an issue where your sewing machine keeps locking up inexplicably? Let’s take a look at a few of the most common reasons this might be happening.
Yes, it’s possible to use a sewing machine without reverse! Let’s say you’re using an industrial sewing machine, for instance. Or perhaps you have the opportunity to use a vintage sewing machine made before backstitch reverse settings were common. Either way, knowing how to lock a stitch without engaging reverse is a handy skill to have.
Threading a sewing machine is kind of like cooking in that they’re both about doing things in the right order. Get them correct, and you’ve got a souffle. Get them wrong, and you have a burnt, collapsed mess. Let’s give you the right order.