Before you spend hundreds of dollars on new supplies at the store, consider trying out some do-it-yourself projects with your sewing machine. These DIY back-to-school projects could even be something fun for you to do together!
Getting started with a sewing machine as a beginner can be intimidating. However, with the right supplies and a little bit of determination, you can become a competent seamster in no time!
You might be ready for fall, but is your pup? Make sure your furry friend stays warm and cozy as the weather changes with this quick and simple sewing machine craft.
Though sewing machines are extremely useful, they can be temperamental devices that seem to be prone to all manner of issues. Here are some of the most common issues that sewing machine users face and a few remedies to try.
DIY luggage tag labels are an easy and fun way to personalize your luggage. Gearing up for your next trip? Give this DIY sewing project a try!
Having a few stitches in mind to work on will help give your practice session a bit more focus. Learn more here.
Not many gifts are more meaningful than a handmade present for a loved one, and this DIY stuffed bear is the perfect gift for children.
As you’re learning how to sew, there are a few common sewing machine mistakes that you should look out for and avoid before they occur.
We at GoldStar Tool are using our passion for sewing to thank 20 of our devoted customers by giving them each a $50 gift card and an $800 sewing machine completely free for you! Learn more.
We will honor the effort put forth by our hardworking Americans by offering 10% off the entire site* from September 1 through September 7, 2022, using code: LABORDAY!
This DIY box zipper pouch is easy to make with a sewing machine. It will also help you keep your things organized this school year.
If you’re new to the world of sewing, welcome! There are many ways to get creative, express yourself, and even improve your health when you pick up sewing as a hobby.
Whether you’re heading back to campus for a new school year or heading out on a long hike, you’re sure to enjoy the convenience and style of this easy-to-make water bottle holder.
Most people that participate in hobbies like sewing and crafting do so out of pure enjoyment. However, did you know that regular sewing could actually have noticeable health benefits?