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16" Heavy Duty Swatch Cutter With Stand- #GS42-8

16" Heavy Duty Swatch Cutter With Stand- #GS42-8

SKU: GS42-8
Weight: 75 lbs
Vendor: GoldStar
Our Price: $799.99  
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Pinking Or Straight Blades For GS30-8, GS40-8 Or GS42-8 Swatch Cutters
Cutting Mat For GS30-8, GS40-8 Or GS42-8 Swatch Cutter $39.99

16" Heavy Duty Swatch Cutter With Stand- #GS42-8

The perfect tool for sample houses, furniture factories, textile rooms, designers, or anyone who wants to cut up thousands of samples in a single afternoon.  16'' heavy-duty swatch cutter with stand and cabinet


  • Overall size 30" x 20"
  • Cuts up to 16" swatches
  • Cuts multiple layers of cloth stacked up 3/4" high.
  • Available In pinking or straight blade

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